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Saturday, June 16, 2012

June has been busy so far...

So what have we been up to lately?  We found out we are having another baby boy!  Hopefully that will be nice for Benjamin to have a little playmate!  We also finally bought Benjamin some shoes a little while ago and he has just loved playing outside.  Poor guy, his mom just doesn't feel up to taking him out more often.  We've actually been able to go and do a few fun things, too, since Dave has been home more (no classes this summer) and we can use the car.  We went to the Orem Summerfest and Benjamin got to ride his first Carousel, even though it was really cold!  We also took him swimming.  He has only been swimming once before, but it was last summer, so he doesn't remember.  He was pretty hesitant and in the end he just liked playing in the really shallow water - not too adventurous.  Maybe next time.  However, next time won't be for awhile because he ended up having another surgery this past week and will be in a cast for the next several weeks.  This time (we REALLY hope it is the last one) he had a bunch of work done on his left thumb to help him extend and use it more.  He just wasn't able to use his hand as much as he should without having this done.  His thumb was just staying tucked in and he couldn't extend it much at all.  So anyways, it has been fun...recovery is always difficult.  But, he'll get his cast off around the end of July and then hopefully be able to use his thumb and hand a lot more.  So here are some pictures showing everything we've been up to. 

Baby boy #2 (no name yet!)
Using his shoes for the first time.  At first he didn't like them,
but now, he loves putting them on because it means we
are going outside!

Riding the carousel at Orem Summerfest.

Trying to decide if he wants to go in the water.

He mostly just enjoyed sitting there and splashing the water.

Before surgery

He got to ride back to the surgery room in a wagon.  He
wouldn't let us hand him off to somebody, so this was
the easiest way to transport him.  He also wouldn't let go
of his teddy bear!

After surgery (at home) with his new cast on.  You can tell
he is still pretty drugged up, poor guy.

Finally, Benjamin has been working on feeding himself over the last month and has gotten pretty good at it (when he doesn't want to be silly instead).  You can see him in action!

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